FoxFlash Failed to Read BMW EDC17CP02 on Bench Solution

By | January 9, 2023

If failed to read and write BMW EDC17CP02 ECU with Foxflash programmer, here is the solution.

Foxflash Edc17cp02 5

Foxflash Edc17cp02 3

Foxflash Edc17cp02 4


Repin ecu with alternate pinout (2 types), switch OFF MFC until commanded by software to switch on…the message is just an instruction.

This bench pinout was tested working fine.

Foxflash Edc17cp02 6


Bmw Edc17cp02 or c06/cp06
read on bench
dpf off
Checksum is done with fox flash.
In my case pinout for bench in foxflash doesnt work.  I used pinout above.

Foxflash Edc17cp02 1

Foxflash Edc17cp02 2