EDC16 CP34 bench mode read-ok, write-ok and now no communication. Did exactly this ecu before via obd by kess. No problem – but this time kess said “wrong secure code” so i decided to Read/Write the ecu via foxflash on bench. Checksum is done by foxflash.
Possible solution:
Reading usually works, if this message appears when writing, change the USB port, restart the PC, turn off power supply, disconnect Foxflash completely, remove bench box and then connect everything again. Check the pins to make sure they are connected properly. Then try again.
If still not working, flash is corrupt. need to write bench reading all by BDM.
Better open this ECU for BDM (touareg, A6, A4, crafter, Q7… V6tdi) no problem at all.
Need to do a hole in the back of the ecu with a dremell.
With a dremel 10m job just need patience and all be good. This ecu is well glued.