How to install and activate FoxFlash ECU tuning software?
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Software language: Italian, English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Czech, Turkish
1 go to download foxFlash Manager
2install this software on your laptop
3 register this app with your email
4 input your code which tie on your device, don’t spead yours sn to internet, or others guy will try to stolen your tools password
5 connect your foxflash tool to laptop via usb cable then clicke the download button which in foxFlash app inside

Install the drivers

7 click the foxflash manager app active button till actived, then run the foxFlashappin your desktop, then input the password at the windows, click login

Run it then click the active button, it will keep let the tool access ours server . Download just need do at the frist time you don’t have the software.
The please do follows work before starting our foxflash
Ready works
A: Connect your foxFlash with USB cable to laptop
B: laptop or PC must connect to internet
Step 1: go to website download the software and install the package.
Step 2: Check the SN where tie on your foxFlash box backside
Don’t realase that SN to anyone, its a safe code for you,dont let any third party or guys know that code or it easy let your tools lock.
Step 3: Send that SN to for active and link your tool to your email. (You tool will be lock if you don’t send to active)
Step 4: Input that SN code to you login windows when you run foxFlash main software, it will ask you input that code,then you software and tool will be online