Foxflash Read and Write Jaguar MEDC17.9 on Bench

By | May 19, 2023

Jaguar XE 2.0d 2017 MEDC17.9 read and write successfully by foxflash ecu programmer, checksum by foxflash. DPF OFF , EGR OFF , ADBLUE OFF.


Foxflash pinout to BOSCH MEDC17.9 [ 1793 ] – Jaguar

Connect the multifunction cable as follows:

Foxflash Read Write Jaguar Med17 9 Pinout 1

Some MEDC17.9 enter in Bench mode with another CAN line. If with the previous pinout doesn’t go in bench tricore mode, then try again by connecting it as follows:

Foxflash Read Write Jaguar Med17 9 Pinout 2

Foxflash Read Write Jaguar Med17 9 Ecu 1

To read and write use the following driver:
→ TC1793 – JAGUAR
→ MEDC17.9

Foxflash Read Write Jaguar Med17 9 Ecu 2

Read ok

Foxflash Read Write Jaguar Med17 9 Ecu 3

Foxflash Read Write Jaguar Med17 9 Ecu 4

Foxflash Read Write Jaguar Med17 9 Ecu 5

Write ok, checksum by tool

Foxflash Read Write Jaguar Med17 9 Ecu 6

Foxflash Read Write Jaguar Med17 9 Ecu 7

Foxflash Read Write Jaguar Med17 9 Ecu 8.