How to Read Mercedes Delphi CRD2.16 with Foxflash?

By | October 17, 2023

Question: How to read Mercedes Delphi CRD2.16 ECU with foxflash? cannot find wiring diagram to this ECU.

Foxflash Crd2.16


Jtag boot read this ecu.

Same pinout as Delphi CRD2.10 SOLENOID OBD JTAG_BOOT.

Connect the multifunction cable as follows:

Foxflash Delphi CRD2.10 SOLENOID OBD JTAG BOOT 1

Solder 3 links on the pcb:

Foxflash Delphi CRD2.10 SOLENOID OBD JTAG BOOT 2

Solder the rainbow flat cable on the pcb:

Foxflash Delphi CRD2.10 SOLENOID OBD JTAG BOOT 3

To read and write use the following driver:

Foxflash Delphi CRD2.10 SOLENOID OBD JTAG BOOT 4

Foxflash team is developing a new adapter for jtag. You can connect the new adapter and read this ECU by OBD.