VW POLO 2013 ECU PCR 2.1 unlock with foxflash ecu programmer in 3 minutes. Read and write ok, checksum manually with winols.
I know foxflash will obd unlock and read file in 10s. I love bench because I can read ALL, in case something goes wrong I have a complete copy.
I want a backup copy for any eventuality, OBD you only have INT FLASH. To unlock the ecu, you have to rewrite the eeprom.
90% PCR 2.1 unlocking made me buy fox flash, I had scanmatik+pcm flash but it didn’t have pcr 2.1 bench.
foxflash software also asks to check checksum, you give it yes or no as you think, I gave no precisely because I did it manually in winols
so eeprom copies, then you give it eeprom writing WITH THE TAB YOU COPIED INITIALLY, at a given moment of the question IF YOU WANT TO UNLOCK EPP, give ok and that’s it.